Sundays on Broadway Fall 2024 Lineup
Top row L to R: Wendy Perron by Ardaud Beelen for TicTac; Deborah Hay by Richard Termine; Still from Journeys From Berlin/1971 by Yvonne Rainer; Julie Mayo video still of Fête courtesy of the artist; Lisa Kraus by Lois Greenfield. Middle row L to R: Yoshiko Chuma by Julie Lemberger; Sakrua Shimada & Daniel Lepkoff by Lepkoff; Kriss Lee image courtesy of the artist; Nile Harris by Ahad Subzwari. Bottom row L to R: Wonderful Cringe by Rebecca Steighner; Steve Paxton in still from video by cw; Tess Dworman by Amelia Golden; Emily Coates & Iréne Hultman still from video; Arien Wilkerson by Chris Giamo.
We are excited to announce the lineup for the Fall 2024 season of Sundays on Broadway. Over the last decade, we have presented more than 170 artists over 120 events and welcomed nearly 5000 guests through our doors.
Sundays on Broadway co-curators Malcolm-x Betts and Cathy Weis are pleased to announce another exciting lineup featuring new and in-process works.
November 3: POSTPONED - film and discussion led by Yvonne Rainer
November 10: K.J. Holmes + Julie Mayo + Wonderful Cringe
November 17: Deborah Hay + Tess Dworman + Arien Wilkerson
December 1: Emily Coates & Iréne Hultman + Wendy Perron + Kris Lee + video by CW
December 8: Lisa Kraus + Yoshiko Chuma + Nile Harris
Sundays on Broadway
at WeisAcres, 537 Broadway #3
New York, NY 10012
All donations go to the performers.
$5-20 suggested.
Thank you to IndieSpace and their Little Venue That Could Program for helping to make this season possible.
The Little Venue That Could Program is supported by the Howard Gilman Foundation.