November 12, 2023 - December 17, 2023: Sundays on Broadway Fall 2023 Lineup

Images clockwise from left: Jennifer Monson by Valeria Oliveiro; Cathy Weis and Jennifer Monson by Dona Ann McAdams; Paul J. Botelho by Michael Bersin; Cherrie Yu's "Trio A Translation Project" photo by Ji Yang; Deborah Hay (2018); Jim at Poetry Project New Years Marathon, Photo by Jacob Burckhardt, St. Mark’s Church, 1/1/1992; Owen Prum by Kayhl Cooper; Jennifer Miller; Marilyn Maywald Yahel & Vicky Shick image courtesy of the artists; Ishmael Houston-Jones & Fred Holland still from video by Cathy Weis; Port of Newark by Jacob Burckhardt; "Team Name (2023)" by Isa Spector with Bobbi Salvör Menuez, Iliana Penichet-Ramirez, Reed Rushes, Kate Williams, Photo by Justin Scheer; Scott Heron photo courtesy of the artist; Still from video by Weis; Aminah Ibrahim & Reason Wade by Alex Munro.
We are pleased to announce the Fall 2023 season of Sundays on Broadway co-curated by Jade Manns and Cathy Weis. Starting in November, we will present four evenings of dance and film at WeisAcres. Be sure to join our mailing list to receive updates.
November 12: Jennifer Monson & Zeena Parkins + Jennifer Monson & Cathy Weis + Isa Spector
November 19: Deborah Hay + Scott Heron + Paul J. Botelho + Cherrie Yu
December 10: Works by Jim Neu with Deborah Auer and Harry Mann + Jennifer Miller + Owen Prum + video by CW
December 17: Vicky Shick + Jacob Burckhardt + Reason Wade & Aminah Ibrahim + video by CW
Sundays on Broadway
at WeisAcres, 537 Broadway #3
New York, NY 10012
$10 suggested donation
Thank you to IndieSpace and their Little Venue That Could Program for helping to make this season possible.
The Little Venue That Could Program is supported by the Howard Gilman Foundation.