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December 8, 2024: Yoshiko Chuma + Nile Harris + Lisa Kraus

6:00 pm
Images from L: Nile Harris by Ahad Subzwari; Yoshiko Chuma by by Julie Lemberger; Lisa Kraus courtesy of the artist.

Images from L: Nile Harris by Ahad Subzwari; Yoshiko Chuma by by Julie Lemberger; Lisa Kraus courtesy of the artist.

Sundays on Broadway co-curators Malcolm-x Betts and Cathy Weis present an evening of music and dance performances by Yoshiko Chuma, Nile Harris, and Lisa Kraus.

Chuma brings ONLY EXTREME CLASSICS FOR 1’03”. Dramaturgy, composition, and performance by Chuma with dancers Wendy Perron, Kathryn Ray, Sarah Skaggs, Emily Marie Pope, Coco Karol, Melissa Flower Gladney, Deniz E. Sancak, Yang Sun, and Rosa Wolff.

Harris will perform an improvised clarinet solo.

Kraus’s Message, the first solo she has made in a very long time, is an homage to the dancing shoulders she stands on.

Sundays on Broadway
6:00 p.m. - doors open at 5:45 p.m.
WeisAcres, 537 Broadway #3
New York, NY 10012

All donations go to the performers.
$5-20 suggested.

Thank you to IndieSpace and their Little Venue That Could Program for helping to make this season possible.
The Little Venue That Could Program is supported by the Howard Gilman Foundation.

Artists' bios:

Yoshiko Chuma (conceptual artist, choreographer/artistic director of The School of Hard Knocks) has been a firebrand in the post-modern dance scene of New York City since the 1980s, has been consistently producing thought-provoking work that is neither dance nor theater nor film nor any other pre-determined category. She is an artist on her own journey. A path that has taken her to over 40 “out of the way” countries and collected over 2000 artists, thinkers and collaborators of every genre since establishing her company The School of Hard Knocks in New York City in 1980. Chuma is in residence at La MaMa through a 2019 MAP Fund grant for a new work “Secret Journey: Love Story, The School of Hard Knocks.” The MAP Fund is supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Nile Harris is a performer and director. He has done a few things and hopes to do a few more, God willing.

Lisa Kraus’s dancing life began at square dances called by her father and in classes taught by Jane Dudley, an early Graham dancer. She graduated from Bennington College where she took part in the early development of contact improvisation with Steve Paxton. In New York (1977-1989), she performed in the Trisha Brown Dance Company and choreographed and performed as an independent artist and for her own company. Later ventures included teaching, curating the Performing Arts Series at Bryn Mawr College, writing extensively on dance and founding thINKingDANCE, an online dance journal and dance writers training scheme. She lives in Philadelphia where she studies soul line dance.


Sundays at 6pm


537 Broadway #3
New York, NY 10012


©Cathy Weis 2024

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