December 4, 2022: Scott Heron + Daniel Lepkoff & Sakura Shimada + Cathy Weis

Photos from L-R: Scott Heron by B. Florin; Sakura Shimada and Daniel Lepkoff in Sobo Studio Brattleboro; Cathy Weis by Anja Hitzenberger
Sundays on Broadway presents an evening of performances by Scott Heron, Daniel Lepkoff & Sakura Shimada and Cathy Weis.
Scott Heron will present his current work Study for a Clown Show. He writes, "Everything supports me even if I don't know how or why. Flummox you into innocence. Try doing everything just a little longer."
Daniel Lepkoff and Sakura Shimada will present Body of Work: Closer to Home. They write, "Since COVID, we stopped traveling and teaching. We have been dancing in our living room, in our house, in a forest, at the end of Old County Rd. in West Halifax, Vermont. Meeting on Zoom with friends from Detroit, Northampton, and Argentina, twice a week for two years. Also, we drive into town and have a dance studio for 2 hours every Wednesday and Friday. Our work has not changed, always playing, learning, and researching the presence of the imagination in the body, the body's reflexes, the ongoing spontaneous dialogue with the environment. What is new is that it has all moved closer to home."
In 2014, Julie Martin was the first artist to present work, Nine Evenings, as part of Sundays on Broadway. Nine years later, hundreds of artists have presented their work at WeisAcres. Cathy Weis contributes her own work to this vibrant downtown scene with her newest creation, Props from Poughkeepsie: Hunger and Restraint. Performers: Emily Climer, David Guzman, Martita Abril. Props by Jim Fawcett.
Sundays on Broadway
Sunday, December 4th, 2022
6:00 p.m. - doors open at 5:45 p.m.
at WeisAcres, 537 Broadway #3
New York, NY 10012
$10 suggested donation
Vaccine card required at door.
Mask required during event.
Keep in mind, this is a small space. Please arrive on time out of courtesy to the artists.
Artists' Bios:
Scott Heron stumbled into Deborah Hay in 1983 in Austin and has been moving ever since as a performer, collaborator and creator. He worked in NYC in the 80s and 90s, lived in a queer commune in Tennessee for several years after that and now calls New Orleans home.
Daniel Lepkoff has been moving for 72 years. In 1970, he started calling this dance.
Sakura Shimada lives in West Halifax VT with Daniel Lepkoff. She has been enjoying researching the function of the body and human life through country living by gardening, walking, swimming, skiing, dancing, meditating, seeing animals, doing Feldenkrais lessons. She is a Feldenkrais practitioner.
Cathy Weis is a dancer, choreographer, videographer, and founder of Sundays on Broadway. She’s been a soloist in the Louisville Ballet, played in a cello quartet in Europe, tap-danced on the streets of San Francisco, and did a stint as a disco queen. She moved to NYC in 1983.