December 17, 2023: Vicky Shick + Jacob Burckhardt + Reason Wade & Aminah Ibrahim + video by CW

Images clockwise from top left: Aminah Ibrahim & Reason Wade by Alex Munro; Marilyn Maywald Yahel & Vicky Shick image courtesy of the artists; Image by Jacob Burckhardt; Ishmael Houston-Jones & Fred Holland still from video by CW.
Sundays on Broadway and co-curators Jade Manns & Weis present an evening of performance and video by Vicky Shick, Jacob Burckhardt, Reason Wade & Aminah Ibrahim, and video by CW.
Vicky Shick will present a simple look at the geometry of two bodies locating themselves inside a shared, gently intimate architecture in time and space. Shick will perform with Marilyn Maywald Yahel.
Jacob Burckhardt will show a program of short films: wordless sound-visual poetic documentaries and Dada comedies.
EDGE is an ongoing collaboration between Reason Wade and Aminah Ibrahim, a movement performance that plays with suspension and levity to explore the line between solid ground and open air—and the emotions that arise when one is on the precipice.
Weis will show an excerpt of archival footage she shot in 1983 from a performance by Ishmael Houston-Jones and Fred Holland.
Sundays on Broadway
6:00 p.m. - doors open at 5:45 p.m.
at WeisAcres, 537 Broadway #3
New York, NY 10012
$10 suggested donation
Thank you to IndieSpace and their Little Venue That Could Program for helping to make this season possible.
The Little Venue That Could Program is supported by the Howard Gilman Foundation.
Artists' Bios:
Jacob Burckhardt is an audio engineer whose work in sound ranges from recording audio around the world to mixing soundtracks for independent films at a midtown studio. He now teaches in the Film/Video department at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. After making two feature movies in the 1980s, he went back to making shorts, in 16 millimeter film and video, where it is possible to preserve a direct relationship between the film and the filmmaker.
Vicky Shick has been a part of the New York dance community for four decades, performing, teaching, and making pieces. She is extremely fortunate to have collaborated with many incredible dancers, choreographers, artists, and designers. She has shown her own work in venues in the U.S. and abroad. Shick was a Movement Research Artist in Residence and Bessie recipient (each twice), a grantee from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, and a Guggenheim Fellow.
Aminah Ibrahim is a Black American, Kuwaiti, Indonesian artist and producer of performance. Their work finds ways to expand the body, connecting somatic movement, sound, and visual documentation. Through meditative modes of improvisation, and an intimate relationship with ritual garb and adornment, Aminah explores the geographies of identity, body politics, and mysticism. Aminah received an MA in Sound Art from London College of Communication.
Reason Wade is an artist and writer critically thinking about decolonization, fashion, architecture and spirituality. They also spend time curating art happenings, producing and mixing music, styling, and knitting. Reason is interested in all possible relationships bodies can have with garments and how aesthetic principles reflect our society and culture. Reason received a degree in Creative Writing and is now pursuing studies in Criticism and Design.
Cathy Weis is a dancer, choreographer, videographer, and founder of Sundays on Broadway. She has been a soloist in the Louisville Ballet, played in a cello quartet in Europe, tap-danced on the streets of San Francisco, and did a stint as a disco queen. She moved to New York City in 1983 and has been the recipient of many honors including a Guggenheim Fellowship in dance and recipient of a Bessie Award for creativity.